In Defense of the Nice Guy


Three weeks ago I posted about being torn on whether or not to keep exploring a relationship with the “nice guy”. At that time, I recognized that I don’t really trust my own instincts, and wasn’t sure if I was really feeling it or forcing it. Continue reading

Collateral Damage


The last guy I dated was going through a divorce. Everyone warned me he wasn’t ready for a relationship, including him. But, I didn’t listen. I hit restart on my life and everything was falling into place—why would falling in love be any different? Continue reading

Not Broken, Just Bent


A month ago tomorrow I had an episode that sent me to the emergency room. As a person who has foolishly played the role of my own doctor for years, it was surreal to check myself into the ER with pain I wasn’t able to diagnose or control. Continue reading

Age vs. Awkward Jean

I’m getting old. And not the good kind either. You know the one that comes with wisdom, contentment, and a sense of purpose. I’m the other kind of old. The one that comes with new found hair sprouting from places it shouldn’t and standing in the beauty aisle weighing the pros and cons of Continue reading