Dear Dating, I’m ready.

In about 36 hours an article about me will be published in a local magazine. The article is about being single in Kansas City. I have no idea what the reporter will write, Continue reading

Not Broken, Just Bent


A month ago tomorrow I had an episode that sent me to the emergency room. As a person who has foolishly played the role of my own doctor for years, it was surreal to check myself into the ER with pain I wasn’t able to diagnose or control. Continue reading

So… is this a date?


I’m not always great at picking up on social cues. And, when it comes to a guy being interested in me, I am the absolute worst. As you’ll recall when I met Bling Butt I thought he was asking for my number so he could go on a tour at the brewery I work at… it took a few times of him explaining he wanted to hang out sometime with me, not at the brewery, for me to get that he was hitting on me.  In short, when it comes to guys, I’m oblivious. Continue reading