All Done Here

I have a long history of thinking I am my own doctor. When I was 17 years old I went off to college and stopped seeing a dentist because at that time it was in vogue to just pull everyone’s wisdom teeth on the off-chance they would grow in and cause issues. But I just KNEW if I let my wisdom teeth grow in they would push my other teeth together and close some of the gaps that I was so self-conscious of. So, I stopped going to the dentist for a few years while letting nature take care of some cosmetic orthodontics. Continue reading

In Defense of the Nice Guy


Three weeks ago I posted about being torn on whether or not to keep exploring a relationship with the “nice guy”. At that time, I recognized that I don’t really trust my own instincts, and wasn’t sure if I was really feeling it or forcing it. Continue reading

Collateral Damage


The last guy I dated was going through a divorce. Everyone warned me he wasn’t ready for a relationship, including him. But, I didn’t listen. I hit restart on my life and everything was falling into place—why would falling in love be any different? Continue reading

2016: Help


So, here we are on December 31st and as cliché as we all know it to be we still tend to think over the past year and look to the coming year. Some of us do so with regret and hope, some with nostalgia and concern, others with a mix along the emotional spectrum, but we all do it to some degree. Anyone who follows my writing knows that 2016 was quite a year for me. Continue reading